Our mode of intervention


  • To respond to this Business Model, we must have a particular mode of intervention and which makes it possible to properly supervise and monitor the projects. Our intervention is based on two points:


  • Our technicians install durable solutions with you. This is why they are present on the ground and support the client teams on a daily basis. The objective is also to transmit “know-how” and “know how to be”.


    “know-how” is knowledge of processing physical. We have in our teams experts in the transformation (Lean Preparer) who put in place physically the co-defined transformations that go achieve the results.

    These physical achievements can be the construction of a tube production line (co-built with the operators), a visual management to be able to follow all ongoing projects in service offices ADV (co-constructed project monitoring table with people who do)…


    “The know how to be” is to transmit the principles of Lean (man at the center of the process) but also the attitudes and automatisms that make a project successful and efficient. For example: tenacity, reactivity,…


  • Change inevitably involves loss of bearings.


    In order to achieve significant results, GeoLean, through its unique approach is based on methodologies to structure and arrange with its clients a real architecture, whose rules and principles allow better management of change settings.


    We have stages and milestones that allow us to structure and energize projects. Customer teams can thus see step by step the levels to pass to achieve the results.


    The fact of co-constructing with the client teams and our presence on a daily basis allows us to better transmit all these attitudes and reflexes as well as our know-how.


    This is what makes a project a success and that the results are lasting.